Episode 6: A Comparison of Trump and Bolsonaro

Date: Saturday, July 27, 2024

Time: 2pm PST/9pm UTC

URL: We are live: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_AKKNsczT4

The title "The Aaron Swartz Podcast" and "Episode 6" with a photo of Aaron Swartz smiling wearing glasses.






Episode 6 Description:

This episode we will be diving in the eerie similarities of events separated by many miles and years.

You may be familiar with the information that Donald Trump inspired many copycats over the world, but can he also be inspired by events elsewhere?

Perhaps you are still unfamiliar with how the far right creates well connected networks of political advisors and allies to bolster its campaign strategies?

Come join our conversation and learn a little bit about this strange pattern of political extremism and far right electoral appropriation of the media structures in its favor.

A photo of Andre Vinicius Leal Sobral
Andre Vinicius Leal Sobral









Representing Aaron Swartz Institute in Brazil, André Sobral is a postdoctoral researcher at the Digital Technology for Democracy Lab in the University of Virginia’s Karsh Institute of Democracy.

As a sociologist specialized in the effects of technology over society, he has dedicated his career to the investigation of political applications of computers and social media platforms.