This is from April 7, 2018. Complete transcription and video available here at the Internet Archive. (A complete index of all speakers is forming here on the Aaron Swartz Day website.)
Amelia Barlow: I want to just say I have the easiest job in this room. I would say. Because all I have to really do up here is say thank you, to all of you. I want to say thank you for embodying these ideas that were shared today. Continuing his legacy in the way that you work in the way that you live your lives. Also thank you for being the immune system, and protecting us from tyranny.
When he passed he entrusted us with the most valuable asset that I could possibly imagine, which is you. All of the people in this room. All of the people around the world who he cared about and cared about him.
This vast web of infinitely interesting and radical human beings that he gave to us. And I really appreciate that. So one of his guiding beliefs that I found really interesting is like the conservation of energy and this principle. No idea was created or destroyed. As you’ve heard many times today. So in that – all these all of this creativity is pulled from and return to this sort of cosmic soup or the Noosphere as Alden told me. This endless creative force has to be drawn upon anywhere at any time by anyone. As he shuffled off his meat prison. It seemed to be at the end there. He told me I was his squishy ware. There was almost an eruption of creative force. This sequestered essence that was living inside of him and he was immediately returned to this this collective soup pot. I feel like as he’s passed he’s almost bigger and bossier and more ubiquitous than ever. Certainly my life has been taken over.
But I just I feel like, in closing to this beautiful symposium. I just want to say that never before have you been able to draw more immediately and completely upon him. And I want you to feel that. So if you would do me – indulge me I guess I should say. And I want everybody to stand up. Please. [03:55:26]
I want you to stand up and close your eyes. I want you to take a moment. And really drink him. I want you to feel his essence. His thoughts. In this room. Feel him in the person next to you. I want you to feel him in the glorious light streaming through these windows. Feel him in the love in your heart. Feel him in the magic of opening yourself to this creative force. In this raw spirit. This unbridled freedom that he now has attained. [03:56:20]
1) Be patient. No matter what.
2) Don’t bad mouth. Assign responsibility. Never blame. Say nothing behind any other’s back that to you’d be unwilling to say in exactly the same tone and language to his face.
3) Assume the motives of others are never to them, less noble, than yours are to you.
4) Expand your sense of the possible.
5) Don’t trouble yourself with matters you truly cannot change.
6) Expect no more of anyone than you yourself can deliver.
7) Tolerate ambiguity.
8) Laugh at yourself frequently.
9) Concern yourself with what is right rather than who is right.
10) Never forget. No matter how certain; you might be wrong.
11) Give up bloodsports.
12) Remember your life belongs to others as well. Do not endanger it frivolously and never endanger the life of another.
13) Never lie to anyone for any reason. Lies of omission are sometimes exempt.
14) Learn the needs of those around you and respect them.
15) Avoid the pursuit of happiness. Seek to define your own mission and pursue that.
16) Reduce your use of the first personal pronoun.
17) Praise at least as often as you disparage.
18) Never let your errors pass without omission.
19) Become less suspicious of joy.
20) Understand humility.
21) Forgive.
22) Foster dignity.
23) Live memorably.
24) Love yourself.
25) Endure.
26) Don’t be a dick.
Thank you.
Transcription by Lisa Rein (Co-founder Aaron Swartz Day & Creative Commons, and friend of John Perry Barlow). Lisa Rein used Teme to start – and then cleaned it up by comparing it to the video, over many days :) Corrections are very much appreciated-please send them to: lisa[@]lisarein.com.