See Ashley’s talk “Dumpster Fire or Opportunity? It’s Up to Us.” at 11:30 am on Sunday, November 11 – at the San Francisco Aaron Swartz Day Hackathon (at the Internet Archive).

Ashley Boyd is the VP of Advocacy for the Mozilla Foundation. She has over two decades of experience in public interest advocacy, with a specialization in effective uses of technology and public engagement.
During her career, she has worked with leading public interest advocacy organizations in the U.S. and India including M&R Strategic Services, the Advocacy Institute, the Self Employed Women’s Association (India) and AmericaSpeaks. She has led multi-state organizing efforts around the issues of health reform, paid family leave, social security reform and the national budget.
Before working at the Mozilla Foundation, Ashley was Vice President & Chief Field Officer for MomsRising, a national grassroots organization in the U.S. As a founding staff member, she was instrumental in building MomsRising into an organization of one million grassroots supporters, 200 partner organizations and over 20 funding partners. Ashley has a Master’s Degree in Rhetoric from the University of Maryland, College Park.
11:30 – 12:10 pm Keynote 1: Ashley Boyd Dumpster Fire or Opportunity? It’s Up to Us. (VP Advocacy, Mozilla Foundation) Ashley will be focusing on how we can take advantage of the increasing public awareness and concern about digital safety to mobilize users to demand ethical, safe online tools. She will discuss some of the Mozilla Foundations latest accomplishments in the corporate sector, including examples like getting the easy-to-hack, privacy violating children’s “Cloudpets” toys pulled from retailers’
shelves (including Amazon).