See Drini demonstrate the new “Library Explorer” – a new tool for the Open Library – a project Aaron started and shepherded for many years, at our November 14 online event.
Library Explorer
The way in which libraries are organized embeds over one hundred years of librarian experience in classifying knowledge. But these classification systems are largely inaccessible to modern readers on the web. Join us in exploring a novel interface for interacting with a digital collection that is inspired by and pays homage to the way physical libraries are structured.
Drini (@cdrini) is a software developer currently working on Open Library at the Internet Archive, along-side Mek. He got his bachelor’s from the University of Waterloo’s Computer Science program, where he worked with their Human-Computer Interaction Lab to publish a paper on novel pen-tablet interactions at UIST 2018 along-side Fabrice Matulic and Daniel Vogel. As a researcher, Drini loves finding ways to experiment with new techniques for allowing people to interact with and be productive using computers. As a developer, he is a big user and fan of open source software, and is excited to help Open Library become a first-class citizen of the open, linked-data universe.