December 9th! Come to the Pursuance Project user testing party!
THAT’S THIS SATURDAY from 4pm – 10pm at Noisebridge in San Francisco or REMOTELY! See you there :)
TITLE: Pursuance Project
Read: Barrett Brown and Steve Phillips Discuss The Pursuance Project
Contact: Steve Phillips:
Git hub:
Short Description:
Fundamentally, the Pursuance System software enables you to create a pursuance (which is a sort of organization), invite people to that pursuance (with the level of permissions and privileges that you choose), assign those people tasks (manually, or automatically based on their skill set!), brainstorm and discuss what needs to be done, rapidly record exciting ideas or strategies in an actionable format (namely as tasks), share files and documents, be notified when
relevant events occur (e.g., you are assigned a task or mentioned), and effectively get help from others.
Long Description:
Read: Barrett Brown and Steve Phillips Discuss The Pursuance Project